Our Privacy Policy dictates how we collect, utilize, organize, and reveal information that we collect from the users and visitors of the website https://signarabia.com/. This detailed policy is applicable across all the different products and services brought to you by Sign Arabia LLC.

We gather and hold individual data about clients, prospective candidates, staff individuals and others who come into contact with us (you). The sort of individual data we gather may incorporate your name, address, other contact subtleties and the items you have bought.


When you use our website- associated products and services, you consent to our Privacy Policy automatically and agree to the terms hereby stated.

Personal Identification

We may gather your personal data in multiple ways, including, yet not restricted to, when you visit our webpage, submit an order or request, subscribe to any of our newsletters or online publications, submit a form with personal information, correspondence details you give to us, calls/gatherings with you and through different activities, highlights or assets we make accessible on our website.

We will gather personally identifiable information just when you willfully submit such data to us. Notwithstanding, in the event that we can’t gather personal information identifying with you, we might be not able to furnish you with the products or services you require or proceed with our relationship further due to safety and privacy concerns on our front. Sometimes, we may gather and hold individual data about you from outsiders (third parties). Such information could include (but is not limited to) consumer credit liability information, credit reports, payment related information, etc.

Collected Information

The reasons why we collect, and store personal information are as follows:
  • We utilize the feedback and suggestions we receive so as to enhance our website and improve on our services and products.
  • The information that you provide us is valuable in enhancing our customer service and resolving any issues that arise quickly and improving our support system effectively.
  • We use the information gathered for analysis and a better understanding of what our customers expect from our website and what we need to focus on so as to enhance the user experience collectively.
  • If you have purchased a service or product from us, we store the information regarding the transaction so as to provide you with support regarding the transaction as and when needed. This information will not be shared with anyone else.
  • We use your correspondence information to reach out to you in the form of periodic newsletters or updates regarding any product or services purchased by you. If you have subscribed to our mailing list, you will be sent updates, articles, product information, etc as well.

Log Files

Information regarding your IP address, browser information, date and time of site visit, number of clicks on a page, etc may be collected and utilized by our marketing team for analysis. None of the information collected through this process is personally identifiable and is utilized in gathering demographic information regarding the general usage of our website.


Our website utilizes cookies so as to facilitate better user experience. You can choose to refuse the cookies or be notified whenever cookies are sent out. However, in doing so, you might be compromising on the ability of the website to function optimally.

Third Party and Partners’ Policies

Sign Arabia’s Privacy Policies are purely our own and not applicable to third parties and our advertising partners. For information regarding the specific privacy policies of the third-party administrators as well as our partners, please visit their individual sites and refer to their policies. If you click on any advertisement displayed by a third-party on our website, you will be sharing information with the third-party vendors, and they will receive information regarding your IP address. If you wish to disable cookies being gathered through such advertisements, you may refer to your browsers’ websites to learn more about cookie management.

Protection of Information

The information that we collect from you in the form of electronic and non electronic means is safe with us in general regard. We have set up strides to shield the data we hold from abuse, obstruction and misfortune and from unapproved access, adjustment or exposure. We do not, in any capacity, sell, exchange, or lease your personal data to other people or businesses. You are completely free to edit the information that you provided as to render it more accurate or for your own personal reasons by contacting us directly.

Updates to Privacy Policy

Our policies may be updated without any notifications to the users who are welcome to check this page regularly and obtain information regarding any revisions that shall be specified on the page.

Please contact us at CONTACT INFORMATION for further information regarding our privacy policies and other information.